Photo of Nuno Sillva Portugal

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Born in Lisbon in 1979, he began his contact with the Portuguese artistic community very early with renowned artists such as Artur Bual, Paulo Ossião, António Neves, Manuel Cardoso Lima, among others, his passion increases with the constant visits to the workshops of the Plastic artists developing a more critical view of the works and absorbing each of their currents of figurative, gestural, and abstraction.

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Photo of Nuno Sillva Portugal

Biography: “SILLVA”

Born in Lisbon in 1979, he began his contact with the Portuguese artistic community very early with renowned artists such as Artur Bual, Paulo Ossião, António Neves, Manuel Cardoso Lima, among others, his passion increases with the constant visits to the workshops of the Plastic artists developing a more critical view of the works and absorbing each of their currents of figurative, gestural, and abstraction.

Having a more critical view of the work left for later his openness to his own creativity.

Self-taught painter began his work in 2008, passionate about the color and simplicity of criteria, we found in his works the attempt to create life forms, in the most different situations, with restless movements coming from his imagination, imaginary cities and many relaxation that is evident in their work.

     With his volumetric painting filled with worldly figures, he leads the viewer into his most genuine and often childish world of each of us, each creation said in the same way, as a thank you to every Plastic Artist he has come across and taken with him. exposing your creativity and passion on a blank canvas.

His influences are linked to the Plastic Artist Juan Genovés, he decided to switch to a new genre to show a new plastic expression as some of our deepest feelings are partially inherited and are not only shaped by our personal or individual experience. Sillva thus developed her own style to produce her impressive works of art, combining powerful pictorial techniques with an idea of the human collective that underlies her most recent themes. The use of mixed technique creates a 3D dimension that makes your pieces so extraordinarily different as the materials used create absolutely amazing techniques. The layers of paint are impressive and add another dimension to the production, his works are innovative and unique, combining a variety of materials and techniques with new ideas to create exciting work that touches us

   Sillva dominates the screen - in both the cool and warm tones that can be seen in the bright and colorful marinas and city frenzy, she recently began adding a three-dimensional element to each screen to further express her vibrant and joyful life on each screen. .

When we are facing a set of works by Sillva, it seems to us that she wants to make her recognize and, at the same time, celebrate the mythical moment of painting, she embraces the pictorial action with a great technical quality to revisit, or even question with concern our time, the painting within its own language. Conscious that painting is a 'make it real', that the picture makes it sensitive, it thus demonstrates how essential our dependence on the image and its surroundings is.

 His work makes him think of the daily life that uses pictorially the three-dimensionality, but claiming the presence of a content in his works. “No matter how the painting is applied as long as anything is said” (Jackson Pollock).

It often places the viewer in front of a great frenzy of vibrant colors and light surfaces, while at the same time engaging him in a total environment of pleasure in front of the painting, remembering what Matisse wanted: “an art of balance, of purity, of tranquility, without disturbing or worrying subject ”.

 His work leaps from the screen in a passionate way, as if playing with gravity, where the elements come to life, to the delight of those who contemplate them.

His work could be found in various private collections around the world.


- 2010, collective exhibition at Hospital de Santa Maria

-2011, solo exhibition at GAM

-2012 collective exhibition Galeria Artezul

- 2013 solo exhibition at Hospital de Santarém

-2014 collective exhibition at GAM

-2015 collective exhibition Galeria Vera Cruz

-2015 collective exhibition Hotel Zurich

-2015 group exhibition (art space) Hospital de Santa Maria

-2015 group exhibition (art space) Hospital Amadora Sintra

-2016 collective exhibition Hospital da Luz

-2016 Groupama collective exhibition

-2016 collective exhibition Galeria Artezul

-2017 collective exhibition Hospital da Luz

-2017 collective exhibition Hospital Santa Maria

-2017 collective exhibition Galeria Artezul

-2017 Groupama collective exhibition

-2017 Hotel Berna collective exhibition

-2018 Hotel Altis collective exhibition

-2024 Pac Portuguese Arte Center

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